Saturday, March 18, 2017

The first day of recording has arrived?!?!

So Friday night, through WhatsApp, we planned to meet Saturday afternoon to film the news portion of our film opening. While Darrah and Blake were both free to film that afternoon, I wasn't due to my job. So we decided that I will film my part Monday after school. 

From what Blake told me, filming went great and that they only had two problems. 

The first being that we had two options for how we could present our code introduction. We could display the code onscreen or have a person typing the code with the information. They decided to go with the typing option as it would give us the opportunity to incorporate different camera shots and angles. I'm totally onboard with their decision to go with the typing option and would of done the same. 

The second wasn't really a problem, it was more of an inconvenience. We learned that the first take wouldn't be the best and we would have to do multiple takes (which took almost 3 hours) to get a perfect clip. The most inconvenient thing was that with multiple takes would come with a lot of storage being used up on the SD card. Blake found his self having to save the clips onto his computer  and then having deleting them from the SD card. This took away time that was supposed to be for filming which was an annoyance. 

I can't wait to see how my part turns out on Monday and I know I can expect to be filming for a while!

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